Super Mario 3D Land Is A Hamburger

"Mmm-mmmm. That is a tasty burger !"

Koichi Hayashida has compared the upcoming 3DS platformer to hamburgers and other snack foods, rather than the grand banquet of Super Mario Galaxy 2. As part of the Iwata Asks series of interviews on the official Nintendo website, the comparison is made regarding Super Mario 3D Land's design ethos, of being catered for quick sessions of fast and accessible play, rather than the more complex gameplay of Mario's Wii console titles. Hayashida - "I live a few stations away from the station nearest from my home to the company's, so at first I thought I should aim for light courses that you could clear in about that time and stop playing whenever you got off the train. I wanted to make a compact game that, rather than the Manchu Han Imperial Feast, was lighter, like a hamburger you could just gobble down. I decided to start thinking from there." Hayashida isn't talking with regards to the actual length of the game, which has been revealed to contain a substantial amount of bonus levels and challenges. Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata has countered any doubts by adding - "the volume is comparable with even the Super Mario Galaxy games so I'm not sure about it being compact"


Cult horror enthusiast and obsessive videogame fanatic. Stephen considers Jaws to be the single greatest film of all-time and is still pining over the demise of Sega's Dreamcast. As well regularly writing articles for WhatCulture, Stephen also contributes reviews and features to Ginx TV.