Please, oh please, let it be true. Nintendo recently registered the domain name, "
supermario4.com", which may be a hint at what to expect in the future. If you click the link, it simply redirects you to the official Nintendo website. Could we be in for another romp through the wonderous world of the Mushroom Kingdom or are we jumping to conclusions? While there have been numerous installments to the franchise since Super Mario Bros. 3, we have yet to truly see a new game with the number 4 attached. It may not be much to be excited for yet, but any hope at there being another Mario game that keeps the spiritual essence of the originals in tact is enough for me to eat a mega mushroom, and unleash my joy on the city. Perhaps the most important question is, where this new addition to the Mario Bros. franchise will debut at? With so many titles already on the 3DS and New Super Mario Bros. on the Wii, it's not completely unreasonable to assume the Wii U is a candidate. Keep in mind, no true announcements from Nintendo have been made, and this is still just speculation. Yet, with the Wii U launch approaching and the domain name registered there has to be some truth that they're planning something for Mario and his gang. Source: