Super Mario 64: Ranking The 15 Worlds

12. Whomp's Fortress

Super Mario 64

The game’s second world smartly ramps up the difficulty of the first, adding in more vicious foes and a ledge over which Mario can fall to his death. On the whole, though, it’s not one of the more inventive levels, requiring the player to repeat the same climb to the top of the tower repeatedly.

It’s on the small side, meaning you can race through it pretty quickly, and it doesn’t bring a whole lot more to the table following level one. There’s another boss battle which introduces you to further mechanics, but like the scrap on Bob-omb Battlefield this isn’t much to write home about.

There are a couple of irritating stars, too, which demonstrate the game’s limitations. A cannon-based task can result in disaster seemingly at random, and you’re required to navigate some moving platforms that are made far harder than they should be due to the game’s shonky camera.

A solid second level, but lacking the magic of the first - not the most thrilling world, and simultaneously a bit too short.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)