Super Smash Bros. Switch: 10 Characters We Want To See

8. Isaac

the binding of isaac
Edmund McMillen

A surprising entry for sure considering Nintendo's original dismissal of Binding of Isaac for how violent it was, Isaac would truly be a great character for the mature gaming fans.

His inclusion would also make sense considering Binding of Isaac just got released on the Nintendo Switch in the game's first boxed edition for consoles. Isaac himself also has a wide variety of different moves, and could really play like a huge goodie bag of abilities.

The Binding of Isaac focuses heavily on the fact that the game's procedurally-generated rooms can contain completely different pick ups and items for Isaac to wield. One of his specials could involve randomly picking up some of the game's most famous items to buff the power of his tears, which would also appear as one of his specials.

Isaac's gameplay could rely on augmenting himself to get stronger and faster as the match goes on. This would make him a greatly unique character who becomes stronger depending on luck, although in a different way to Game and Watch and Jigglypuff.

Isaac also has many different variations on bible characters, all of which should appear as skin swaps for the player to choose from.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.