Super Smash Bros Ultimate DLC: 6 Iconic Characters We Want To See

1. Shovel Knight (Shovel Knight)

Shovel Knight

“It’s shovelling time.”

The 8-bit blue knight is not only glorious to look at, but also a blast to play when it comes to his own series. While wielding his spectacular shovel blade, he’s ready to bury the competition.

The personality from each of the characters as well as from the levels are breathtaking to interact with and look at, and any of the gorgeous maps or music tracks from Shovel Knight would compliment Smash’s huge compendium nicely. If any character could fill up a slot seamlessly in Smash, it would be him.

Shovel Knight has a plethora of abilities at his disposal, all of which would make for great moves such as his dig slash and shovel drop, true to the game's source material. His palette swap would also look fantastic, swapping between some rad colours.

Get him in the game outside of just a support trophy, Sakuri!

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