Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC: 9 Echo Fighters Nintendo MUST Add

There are still some glaring omissions.

Super Smash Bros Snake

In fighting game fandom, clone characters are traditionally a big no-no. Not only do they steal valuable roster space that could otherwise be given to a new or mechanically unique character, but they stink to high heaven of imaginational bankruptcy. Yet, Nintendo's all-star series, already an exception to other established genre rules, just can't add enough of them to satisfy demand.

Bespoke characters will, of course, always be preferable to simpler palette swaps - and to the team's credit, that's going to be Smash Ultimate's focus for the immediate future - but those take time and a whole lot of money, so with a character sheet already boasting more than 50 unique characters, there's bound to be some overlap.

It's for that exact reason that the term "Echo Fighter" was coined.

Without it, characters like Ken, Dark Samus and Richter could never have made the cut, but now? The floodgates are open.

All eyes are focused on the standalone DLC characters to come, but once those have settled in? Additional Echo Fighters have been neither confirmed or denied, but if the former comes true, these guys should be front of the queue.

9. Ganondorf - Toon Ganon

Super Smash Bros Snake

It's about time Smash addressed the imbalance between good and evil for its Hyrule representatives. Both Link and Zelda (counting Sheik) are spoiled with multiple versions of themselves taking up space on Ultimate's roster, but what does Ganondorf get? Just one measly spot.

With Toon Link already present and accounted for, adding Wind Waker's bulkier, cel-shaded version of the Demon King as an Echo Fighter is a no brainer, surely? There's certainly enough overlap between the two's combat quirks to make the addition plausible. The major difference, of course, is Wind Waker's version never assumed the pig-shaped form seen in other games, necessitating the creation of a new Final Smash.

Either a transformation into Phantom Ganon or the use of his creepy Puppet as seen in Wind Waker's climax would be a perfect fit and tribute to a version of the character that gets little love from Nintendo as far as spin-offs go.

Make it happen, Sakurai!


Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.