Tekken 7: 10 Beloved Characters Namco Totally Left Out

1. Armor King

Armor King tekken

Mentioned in King's story chapter multiple times - and even getting paid homage by a specific move King pulls off - Armor King has evolved from a cool-looking skin-swap for King into a bonafide cult hero.

Now the titular armor is a mark of legacy, being the original Armor King was murdered in a bar fight by Craig Marduk, only for his brother to don the apparel and appear as 'Armor King II'.

At this point in the story, Armor King II and Marduk have both battered each other so much, they're hospitalised, resulting in the only surviving King continuing to compete in the King of Iron Fist Tournament, awaiting their recovery.

Whilst it's easy to think of AK as a skin and nothing more, over the years Namco would give him a definitive moveset, and with Tekken 7's robust customisation options, he's an easy fit for this latest sequel.

Here's hoping.


Who was missing that Namco should put back in future updates and DLC? Let us know in the comments!

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