The 10 Best Winter Wonderland Levels In Gaming

2. Surface - Goldeneye

The grand-daddy of all snow levels, and probably the most iconic of all of Goldeneye's ground-breaking levels. It might not look good by today's standards, thanks to an overall blockiness, and the lack of stealth seems odd for what is a spy game, but Surface is still fantastic. I have great affection for the way technological restrictions mean geography and environmental features appear as you move close to them, and most of all thanks to the way the game was designed overall, there was never any point where the player would feel patronised or pandered to despite the groundbreaking nature of the game. Self-discovery is an enormously undervalued commodity in modern gaming, where "Helpful Hints" for some reason appear in sequels treat everyone like morons.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.