The Division: 10 Brand New Details You Need To Know About
7. No Stealth Or Takedowns
Not necessarily something we expected to be included, but AngryJoe's playthrough showed one of the developers playing alongside him and another press associate asking questions, to which after the two of them broached the topic of playing silently or covertly, they were told there's "no stealth". The developer also mentioned there'd be no takedowns around cover or from behind, but enemies would have an awareness stat/HUD element of some kind. So essentially, the only way you're going to be able to approach any situation is by sidling up and getting in the best position, before blowing the holy hell out of everything. Depending on the effectiveness and variety in the unlockable perk abilities, having a total lack of any stealthier options sounds like a missed opportunity, especially when you can approach from various vertical planes and get the drop on your opponent that way.