The Division: 11 Crucial Dark Zone Tips You Need To Know
Rule #1: Trust no one.
The Division has been out in the wild for a week now, and it's safe to say that the most dedicated players have beaten the story mode, reached the level cap and are now focusing on the PvP-fest that is the Dark Zone. In case you haven't ventured there yet, the Dark Zone promotes squad-based PvE as in the rest of the map, but also allows players to take on other players at the cost of "going rogue" if they're the first one to open fire. The DZ is a dangerous place and one that can prove daunting to newcomers: though the potential loot rewards are huge, there's also plenty to lose if you're killed (especially if while rogue), and so it's time to consider the tactics that will keep you alive and swimming in loot during your time there. Here are 11 crucial tricks and tips for The Division's Dark Zone...