The DLC Red Dead Redemption 2 NEEDS (That Rockstar Will Never Make)

When Red Dead Online takes off, there won't be stopping it.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Dutch's Gang

By now, it's fair to say that most who picked up Red Dead 2 on launch will have finally - at long last - completed the story. It spans over 60 hours in length, but it's so good that, even when you've spent that long exploring every nook and cranny (as well as having your heart ripped out by the story), you'll find yourself coming back for more.

In its current form, Red Dead Redemption 2 exists solely as a single-player experience, but that'll change by the end of the month. Red Dead Online - Rockstar's answer to GTA Online - will launch by the end of November, and looks set to be every bit the money-making behemoth its predecessor was, even without all fancy cars and gold-plated jets to invest in.

But that leaves Rockstar in a bit of a pickle, because Red Dead Redemption 2 had a genuinely magnificent cast, and one that shouldn't be forgotten about by the time the credits begin to roll. We all know how John Marston's story ends of course, and though single-player DLC is going the way of the dodo (save for the valiant efforts of Insomniac Games with Spider-Man's The City That Never Sleeps), there's a story evidently worth expanding on in Red Dead, and it all revolves around one character in particular...


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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.