The Elder Scrolls 6: 9 Fan Theories That Must Come True

2. Another Great War

Morrowind spears

While the plot of TES VI is seemingly anyone's guess, there is one popular fan theory floating around which connects the game directly to lore found in Morrowind.

While visiting the Ald’ruhn Temple you can enter a conversation that discusses a potential invasion from the Akaviri, a mysterious race of beings residing in the East of Tamriel. The idea is that they'll return when the realm is undergoing a great deal of turmoil, suffering from an event like a civil war.

Obviously, civil war was a major theme of Skyrim, and although you did managed to solve that problem by the end of the last game, the wounds which remain could be enough for the Akaviri to capitalise on.

Not only would that be a cool premise to set a game around, but it would also thematically fit the location of Hammerfell. Already ravaged once by a war that decimated their people and their homeland, the Redguards could use their prior experience to stave off another invading army, and this time come out on top as the true heroes, rather than simple survivors.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3