The Elder Scrolls: Ranking Every Game From Worst To Best

4. The Elder Scrolls Online


Considering the fairly rocky start that the Elder Scrolls online suffered from, it's been pretty amazing to see it rise from the ashes.

The Elder Scrolls Online may not be the deepest game in the series, but it can definitely be regarded as one of the most fun. This is in most part because of the ability to play it with your friends, but it's also because The Elder Scrolls Online improves the combat from Skyrim in several different ways.

Online has managed to get even better with the improvements that Bethesda have been making to it through expansions and updates. It's one of the first examples where it feels like the developer is willing to go back and fix what doesn't work.

If it wasn't for some pretty bad problems with grinding and a general feeling of repetition, The Elder Scrolls Online would certainly be much easier to recommend. It's a shame that Bethesda launched Online like they did, otherwise it'd probably be doing a lot better nowadays.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.