The Infuriating World of Diablo 3
…and I don’t mean dying on your Monk in Hell Act 4 hardcore mode…
and I dont mean dying on your Monk in Hell Act 4 hardcore mode We can live with dying on hardcore, those of us who play it know exactly what we signed up for, sure its a sad moment when all your time and hard work is undone by a pack of elites paired with a rare monster, but thats part of the joy and excitement of playing hardcore. No, this is what I mean Ahhh error 37, my old friend, oh how I enjoy your frequent unannounced visits. Now Im no technology expert so forgive any ignorance on my part, this is written on behalf of the unlearned gamer out there who just wants to kill things. What I dont understand is that Blizzard themselves insist on the game being online, even for those who wish to play solo. I could understand if error 37 popped up on a game where online play is optional and perhaps the creators didnt envision such high levels of usage. But surely a company as big as Blizzard, so expert in the world of online gaming, with several years of experience of running the biggest MMO of all time would be able to get their servers right. Is this really too much to ask? Was Blizzard really that surprised that so many people would be playing their much hyped, highly anticipated sequel to one of the most iconic PC game series in recent memory? This guy really hits the nail on the head. Another favourite of mine is error 316708, unable to join partys game. Playing with three people with jobs and lives is tricky Ill admit, but theres nothing like that joy you get when progressing together, sweating through the dungeons of hardcore. Second to this is the excitement when you finally know you all have a few hours spare, the first time for days, in order to get some solid progression goingthat is why the award for most infuriating, keyboard bashing, nerd-rage inducing error goes toerror 316708! Congratulations! Now, fuck off! I could understand if this was a consistent error, but its not. Again, Im no technology expert, so I dont mind when things go wrong that are clearly my fault. Ive spent hours and hours on games that arent typically built for online play, trying to sort out port forwarding and the such to play with friends. Im ready for that, I can take it. But error 316708 is the The Only Way of Essex of error messages. I dont understand it, I dont want to understand it, I dont know how or why it is here and all I want it to do is quietly sod off and die. One day were playing fine, the next day error 316708. The next day fine, following day, another one of us with error 316708. Joy. The final straw came this morning. After weeks of playing, another seemingly innocuous launcher update, then boom... screen. Ok lets reboot. Boom, black screen. And so the pattern goes for the next 20 minutes. I love Diablo 3, its as mind controlling and addictive as watching Boris Johnson on acid during a puppy parade. But now its starting to get annoying, and whats even more annoying is that it I still cant just walk away and pick something else up. Whats as disappointing as the errors, glitches and bugs themselves is the surprising lack of support from Blizzard. In my own experience they were pretty solid when it came to putting out blue posts to World of Warcraft errors. However Ive spent a good few hours over the past few weeks trolling the Diablo 3 forums, more specifically the threads by people asking for help, but blue posts are so very few and far between. I really hope Blizzard get their act together soon, because all this nonsense is really beginning to spoil what is truly an excellent game. What have your Diablo 3 experiences been like? Sound off in the comment box below and let us know of any prolems youve encountered, or if you want to boast about your (miraculous) lack of issues. Now back to some more quality black screen time for me...