The Last Of Us Part 2: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best

12. Isaac

The Last of Us 2
Naughty Dog

While the leader of the WLF doesn't get much screen time and therefore is one of the lowest on this list, Jeffrey Wright's towering performance embeds a sense of gravitas and fear whenever he's seen. The lingering spectre of Isaac plagues the first half as Ellie and Dina feel completely out of their element, hearing references to this messianic figure as they fight through waves of soldiers. When he's eventually introduced, he lives up to that expectation of bone-curdling terror.

Isaac's presence is masterly executed, with the direction of his introduction making standing in an elevator as Abby talks to him viscerally effective. His incredibly calm delivery of the actions that Owen has undertaken makes him more threatening, the way he talks about the betrayal of a close associate like it's a minor inconvenience reveals to the player what kind of man Isaac is. He has the potential to be kind but has no patience for betrayal and an underlying desire for malicious violence.

His hatred of the Seraphites ripples through the narrative, culminating in a sequence where he's willing to murder not just Yara, but his former protege Abby and a young child to destroy his enemy. If Isaac had gotten more than a few scenes and a quick death, he'd be a ferocious villain but in his limited time, he stands out.


An autistic writer who just wants to make some money and have some fun talking about wrestling, movies and whatever else comes to mind.