The Legend Of Zelda: 8 Things It Must Fix From The Past Games

6. Don't Mess With The Framework

Zelda producer Eji Anouma has been making some worrying noises over the last few months about mixing up the way the Legend Of Zelda plays for the next instalment. Since A Link Between Worlds replaced the tried and tested progression system of naturally powering up Link's arsenal and replaced it with a rental system, effectively opening up all four corners of the map from the off, we should take Anouma very seriously. It's not that I'm a purist, it's that the rental system in A Link Between Worlds robbed the game of the franchise's operatic sense of journey and adventure. Y'know, the whole 'starting the quest as a boy and finishing it as a man' thing. Sure, it made the game more bitesize and travel-friendly for anybody who wanted to play it on the bus, but such a system just wouldn't work on a home console. Nintendo's properties have endured because, no matter the aesthetic changes, the core remains the same. Taking Mario, Zelda and Metroid into 3D was a huge step each time, but it worked because it was a natural progression. Changing things up too much just for the sake of it could be dangerous, and could start the new LOZ off on the wrong foot. Hopefully Anouma is exaggerating and we can relax a bit, but time will tell.

Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.