The Legend Of Zelda - Ranking Every Gameplay Gimmick

11. Oracle Of Ages/Oracle Of Seasons - Connectivity

Zelda Breath Of The Wild

Given the success of the Pokémon series having multiple iterations of each game, it was only a matter of time until Nintendo tried something similar with one of their other franchises, and so the Oracles games were born.

Unlike Pokemon Red and Blue, Oracles of Ages and Oracles of Seasons were vastly different, with the former focusing on puzzles and the latter being more action-packed. Whilst each game was perfectly playable without the other, the two titles could interact using a password system which essentially turned the second game into a sequel of the first.

Linking the games resulted in lots of bonus items and other content but, damningly, this included the game’s true end boss, Ganon. Locking any boss behind what is essentially a paywall is bad enough, but for it to be Link’s true antagonist is downright unforgivable. Players should never have to pay extra to get a game’s full experience.


Ollie Dean is a full-time writer and pop culture obsessive.