The Problem Nobody Wants To Admit About Nintendo
Nintendo hold all the card - if only they'd play them.

Gamers of all ages have a lot to thank Nintendo for.
The NES almost single-handedly brought the dying video games industry back from the brink in the '80s, Mario 64 set incredible new standards in 3D gaming in the '90s, and the Japanese powerhouse have continued to push boundaries and think outside of the yellow question box ever since, innovating and inventing new and bizarre technologies along the way.
However, the very thing which Nintendo themselves may view as their biggest strength is seen by others as their greatest weakness.
The big N's emphasis on dreaming up new and interesting ways to play the next entry in their classic franchises, whether in rudimentary 3D via the Virtual Boy, with motion controls on the Wii, or giving gamers the ability to take full-sized console games on the go with the Switch, is arguably holding them back in the eyes of the wider gaming audience.
Furthermore, with Microsoft and Sony choosing to focus on their back-catalogues more than ever before with advent of Series X/S and PS5, respectively, Nintendo continue to quite literally play hard to get with their classic titles.
So, what does this mean for Nintendo going forward? Is there a way they can leverage their library of legendary titles to truly compete with PSN and Game Pass? How can they win back those "hardcore" gamers who abandoned Nintendo following the Gamecube era?
Well, let's find out, as we look in greater detail at the problem nobody wants to admit about Nintendo.