The Sims 4: 10 Completely Unethical Mods You Won't Believe Exist

8. Male Pregnancy

Man, oh man. You thought teenage pregnancy was bad? Now you've opened up a whole new can of worms with this one. Male pregnancy is basically a way for homosexual couples to conceive a child without adopting one, but you might have already figured that out. Obviously there's nothing truly unethical about male couples siring children, but until the whole world catches up with that notion it'll have to be labelled as such here. For now it's one of the most downloaded mods to date, with celebs like PewDiePie constantly promoting it on his Youtube channel. Seriously though, this is a lot of fun; you could make your own version of the movie Junior with Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger - the awesome thing being your child will have the same genetics as your couple. Just download it at Mod The Sims, Sims-Online, The Sims 4 Blogger and Sims VIP.

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