The Sims 4: 10 Completely Unethical Mods You Won't Believe Exist

3. Sex

This mod is definitely not for the prudish, and as you'll see with the previous Nude mod, these patches can get extremely graphic, as a lot of them are insanely detailed. From daydreaming about sex with another Sim, doing it on the sofa, the spaceship or the floor, to "trying for baby in missionary/doggy style", it's all in here. At the moment there are more 'feature complete' versions of this for Sims 2 and 3, but it's only a matter of time before the, erm creative Simmers who came up with such things, get Sims 4 up to speed. You can download these risqué mods at Sims 4 Adult Mod, Pandora Sims and Sexy Sims.

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