The Witcher 3: 10 Most Impactful Side-Quests You Need To Find

8. Towerful Of Mice Location: Velen (You'll get a quest marker in the main story). If there's one thing CD Projekt RED love to do, it's take you for a ride, subverting every expectation for the genre you've built up in the process. Namely, Towerful of Mice is the first step in 'romancing' Keira Metz, a sorceress/witch you'll come across in the main thread of the game, but who leaves swiftly after. In a brilliant twist her final words are very playful and suggestive, thereby making any amorous gamer sprint after in the hopes of getting a little - ahem - hanky panky. Instead Keira has you partake in a number of arduous quests involving riding all over the land, although this first one details a spirit haunting a dilapidated building - giving you an insight into the questionable methods some practitioners of magic in the land are doing to refine their skills. Depending on how you handle one particular ghoul dictates what you can then tell Keira and how her subsequent missions play out - the final meeting being one of the biggest differentiators depending on how you handle yourself in this lead-up.
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