These Video Game Remasters SUCK!

3. Warcraft III: Reforged

These Remasters SUCK

Now on paper Warcraft III is a thing of utter joy, a huge whopping dose of RTS bliss set in the world that would soon take over the world and their wallets by storm. It was as if Midas himself had touched this title as everything about it was pure gold to critics and the fans.

And things sparkled even brighter when Blizzard announced that they would be remastering this classic and weren't just going to be giving the game a graphical overhaul, but a tonne of mechanical tweaks and a bevy of new animated cutscenes which would retell the narrative and add in more details from the expanded lore. It certainly was sounding pretty promising!

However that gold and goodwill soon turned to lead that weighed down the experience when the "remaster" dropped in 2020 sporting animations that looked like an intern had had a crack on Go! Animate and a user interface that was less UI and more DUI as it made things infinitely harder to play!

Fans HATED this remaster which seemed to take everything fun about the core experience and bury it under a tonne of needless fluff. Making matters worse is that Blizzard "helpfully" upgraded your game to this experience WHETHER YOU WANTED THEM TO OR NOT. It was like when Apple tried to shift that godawful U2 album with one of its updates, except the only Edge here was the one the fans were willing to jump off of in order to escape this horrible mess leading to the name of this game changing from Reforged, to Refunded.

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