Tomb Raider: 10 Important Life Lessons From Lara Croft's Reboot

4. Study Metal Work

Tomb Radier Crafting At school, metal work appeared to be a fairly redundant class, for those of us who didn€™t want to work in a factory, but after playing Tomb Raider we can realise the value in such skills. Lara obviously paid attention in such lessons, as she can effortlessly craft a pistol silencer from a few rust bolts or an extra large magazine for your machine gun from some chicken wire. That said, Lara almost definitely went to some fancy private school, because we€™ve all seen her house and we know she€™s loaded.

3. Death Hurts

Tomb Raider Death Video games usually give the impression that death is a quick and painlessly fade to black. Tomb Raider teaches us the death is a horrible, painful, bone crushing ordeal that could strike at any time. So remember, you lose concentration while floating down a river and get a metal spike through the neck, you€™ll probably struggle a little. Or say you€™re caught in a trap and you fail to shoot your perusing attackers, they€™ll slit your throat, plain and simple. Even if you fancy a bit of parachuting watch out for the tree, they are sharp and can easily pierce that fragile ribcage of yours. Or the quick and simple way to go might be to get splatted by a bolder, job done. Death is best avoided.
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Tomb Raider
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