Tomb Raider: 5 Major Concerns About The Reboot

1. Lara Croft

tomb raider 600x300 I am aware that this is a young Lara thus hasn€™t been subjected to all the trials and tribulations in the previous games, but what we€™ve seen so far makes the formally powerful, independent, millionaire Miss Croft into this winning, crying little girl. Even in the first trailer we saw that Lara was scared to jump an admittedly large crack in a sinking ship until the big strong man shouted at her to. Also, when Lara is actually on the island, we see through a cut scene that Lara is speaking to another big strong man called €˜Roth€™ and yelps: €œPlease come and get me€ I know it€™s a horrible situation to be in but, come on, I don€™t want to feel that I have to hold Lara€™s hand throughout the game. I want to believe she can escape without begging to some man for help, I don€™t want to play as a character is going to scream and cry the whole way home. Lastly, Lara must be partially blind or have some inner ear infection because she seems to be the most ham-fisted explorer around. She keeps falling over, slipping down rocks, falling out of trees, stepping in bear traps etc. I get that Crystal Dynamics are trying to make it realistic and if she€™s been walking for hours she€™d probably fall over; but it looks a little overboard and seems more clumsy then dramatic. One thing that has stood the test of time is Lara€™s ridiculous jump, so that€™s something€. Tomb Raider comes out March 5th.
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Tomb Raider
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Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.