Tommy Is Back For PREY 2
One of the biggest surprises this year at E3 was how good Prey 2 looked; and now we have confirmation that the main character from Prey 1 will be returning as a non-playable character in the sequel.

"He's a character that you encounter many times throughout the game. It's not just a single cameo where he shows up and takes off. He's integral to the story and events on Exodus. One of the big things is, the unique abilities that Tommy has, specifically spirit walk and death walk, are integral to his role and how he actually fits into the story."Prey 2 is a vastly different game from the first; this time around it is still a first person game but set in an open world, where the new protagonist Killian Samuels will be collecting alien bounties using all sorts of new weapons and gadgets. This is actually one of my most anticipated games for next year, here is a long but amazing E3 gameplay demo that shows you what Prey 2 is all about.