Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5: 10 Extreme Sports Sequels We Actually Needed

10. SSX Tricky 2

Forget 2012's way too serious take on the franchise, fans never wanted anything less than a balls-out, celebrity-voiced proper sequel to SSX Tricky; also known as the series' high-point, and the one that conjures up the most love from all who played it. Despite Tricky actually being more of a glorified DLC pack back in the day than a fully-fledged followup, it still introduced us to the iconic Uber Tricks, a roster of boarders ranging from the genuinely hilarious Eddie to the maniacal Psymon, main ladies Elise and Zoe packing enough attitude to balance things out nicely. Since this second title SSX 3 would reign things in a little, neutering fan-favourite Moby by taking away his voice actor and putting the focus on an 'open-world' mountainside; a gigantic slope you could slowly explore and unlock, before attempting to tackle the whole thing in one go. That was all well and good, but fans remember this franchise for the overblown characters, the "E.A. BIIIIG" logo soundbite, the ludicrously-animated specials that you landed within milliseconds of them finishing, and the roar of your favourite character screaming for joy when you reach the apex of a jump. 2012's iteration missed that hook entirely, and for next-gen systems especially, the presentation of a Tricky-themed SSX would look incredible.
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