Top 4 Worst Ever Gaming Peripherals

2. The Atari Mindlink

Let me remove those face palms I just heard smacking across the land. This didn€™t get a release to the public, thankfully. The Mindlink was someone€™s idea, while the gaming scene was just trying to find its feet after the industry crash of 1983, of controlling a game via brain movements and eye brow raises. Yes, the brain and eyebrows. In 1983. They didn€™t plan to move the graphics forward or improve on gameplay; it was a straight leap to the top with mind control games, with a lot of eyebrow pain. The surprising part of this whole story, brace yourselves, is that it simply didn€™t work. Testers complained of headaches and probably the delusion of the creators. The only saving grace throughout this whole mindless attempt was the guy in the promo photo wouldn€™t look out of place in the fashion world of today. Up Next: The Nintendo-friendly extras that offer nothing extra...

You're my bro! Not my brother.