Top Seven Life-Changing Ideas In Games
There are moments in games that make us think games are outstanding and are as legitimate a source of artistic endeavour as Four Weddings And a Funeral, or whatever film it is that Rockstar wish they’d made. Here are seven such moments...
7. Kane and Lynch: Tricking you.
Kane and Lynch sucks, and anyone who says different probably made it. It sucks so much, in fact, that someone lost their job. But it had this one idea that was better than nothing. Lynch is a schizophrenic. He has issues. He gets confused. You play as him in two player split screen. Theres this one scene, where youre having a shoot out down the street, reminiscent of almost exactly the same scene in the film Heat, except much, much worse. And then, if youre playing Kane, you see Lynch, being controlled by your friend, someone you may have known for upwards of 17 years, stop shooting cops and start shooting civilians. "Dude," you say, "what the fuck?" But Lynch, and the man playing him, saw things differently. I saw cops, so I shot them, ok? Yeah, the game tricked me, and it was awesome. Touche, Kane and Lynch.
6. Mass Effect 1: Forcing you to make a decision, for once in your life.
Theres that bit, in ME 1, where you have to chose between Alenko and Ashley, because theyre both being overrun by enemy troops and one of them is going to die. And you know theres going to be a sequel, so if they die, here, they probably wont be in that either. But man this decision took me a long time to make, and I still have the freeze frame image of Shepherds stoic face on the conversation screen lodged firmly in my memory, labeled psychicly under tough times. Then I let Ashley die because Id actually used Alenko on more than one mission. Mass Effect wasnt the first game to have choices like this, or to have variables in story but yeah, this has stayed with me the same way Kevin Spaceys limp in the usual suspects has, or any of that shit.5. Half Life: Never splitting from first person.
Theres a couple of ways I can think of to get a player really immersed in a game. I hate to mention it again, so soon, but one is the Mass Effect route, having a player character who is talkative, and talks with subtlety, so it feels like youre directing the action, youre defining things. The other route is the Half Life model of never splitting you from the first person view of the character youre playing. Whilst this has been copied relentlessly, Doom 3, though basically obsolete, is a glaring example, it hasnt been outdone. The build up to the action is so creeping and immense, and the set pieces deliver like Santa on crack. Its the setting, the people you meet who are talking about emails and watching their pies explode that suck you into the world, rather than the fact youre stuck, Samuel Becket style, in someones disembodied floating crowbar arm. So it seems basic, but takes at least a little work to pull off.
4. Metal Gear Solid: Psycho Mantis.
Psycho Mantis. Have you played this game? Is that too much to assume? Its like, Psycho Mantis is controlling Snake, so you cant fight him. His control is absolute. To beat him to have to unplug your controller and plug it in to the second controller slot. Here is a game telling you it is a game, and you have to use the entire console, literally, to beat the boss. Its so smooth, and smart, and tongue in cheek. Its like eating brainy silk.3. Portal: Changing the way you think about what is possible.
Theres a moment in Portal, and its different for everyone, and I dont even really remember mine, where you do something fucking amazing and you completely blow physics apart and it feels incredible. Its something like you have a portal on the floor and one on the wall, and you run through one, into another, and the floor is the wall at the same time as it is the floor and your brain makes some new electron connection, or whatever, and you can feel it do that and things arent the same after. You couldnt get that feeling, that moment, from a book, or a film. Computer games are the closest way of going through something like that, and Portal did it.