Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: 10 Scary Moves That Make People Cry

5. Dr. Doom - Air S (a.k.a. Foot Dive)

I could have gone with Hidden Missiles and I'm sure people were expecting it, but as it's most useful as an assist, I decided to go with the move that Victor can't seem to shut up about. "Foo - Foot Dive! Foo - Foot Dive!" is all you'll hear when fighting a Doom who can manage to pull of a combo. When Doom says that no one is above him, he's telling the truth as he'll spend the entire match flying above you waiting for that moment to rain feet of hell down on your unsuspecting head. This is one of only two moves on this list that aren't hypers, but whenever Doom is in play, everyone knows the get the hell away from his feet.

I'm an artist, a writer, a gamer, and an entertainment enthusiast. My interests hail from the vast lands of fantasy to the sofa where a reality star just passed out, from a city under the skies of a superhero to the most downloaded album of the week, and from my bed where I take endless naps to the words that end this paragraph.