Until Dawn 2: 10 Improvements For The Perfect Sequel

9. Add Difficulty Settings

Until Dawn 2

Until Dawn is too easy. At least when it comes to quick time events.

It's almost a guarantee that every time a character in a playthrough died, it was either to due to poor decision making, or failing a "Don't Move!" segment (more on those later). While it was technically possible for characters to die for failing QTEs, it almost never happened.

Of course, there are players that prefer this, preferring to watch the story to play out. On the flip side, there are also players that want a bigger challenge, constantly kept on their toes through challenging QTEs.

There is a solution here, and luckily there is already a game that has used it. Heavy Rain, another game that popularly used QTE based gameplay, had multiple difficulty settings. The hardest setting included things such as more QTEs in a given time period, more complex button presses, and a shorter time window. Until Dawn 2 could adapt that, and add in smaller boxes for the "Don't Move!" segments, forcing players to be more skilled and finessed.

One of Until Dawn's greatest strengths was its replayability. At approximately 10 hours long, players were encouraged to replay in order to get every ending and trophy (including the ever-popular "Kill Everyone" option).

Including difficulty levels for the sequel would improve the incentive to pick the game back up again and again.

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Until Dawn
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I'm that millennial that's been destroying every industry. I also once placed fourth in a spelling bee.