Valve Has Secret New Game Rumor

A new Valve game may have been outed by the husband of voice actresses Ellen McLain but what could it be?

outed by the husband of voice actresses Ellen McLain. McLain does a lot of voice work for Valve, but is most famous for being the voice of the maniacal GlaDOS from the Portal series. John Lowrie the husband of Ellen McLain tweeted; "Ellen is going in Tuesday for a new game and more Portal work". We already new there would be some Portal 2 downloadable content coming down the pipes, however the real question is what new game is she doing voice work for? Now this is just a rumor but that won't stop me from speculating what the new game might be; the next Half-Life game, Team Fortress 3, or how about a new Valve IP? I know if I ask what game people want Valve to do, everyone will say Half-Life; so is there any game besides Half-Life you would like to see a sequel to or how about a new IP?


I have been playing video games all my life but not only that I enjoy discussing them just as much as I love playing them. Therefore after going through college to get a criminal justice degree I became a freelance video game writer.