80s anime adaptation coming to XBox Live and Playstation Network...

THQ have announced in anticipation of the San Diego Comic-Con that a new game based on Voltron: Defender of the Universe will be coming to Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network this fall. The game is being developed by Behaviour Interactive the same people who brought you Naughty Bear, Wet and Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime and is based on the anime series that played on American televisions during the 1980's, and the good news for fans of the series is that that the game will actually feature clips from the original show. Voltron will feature single player, off line co-op, and up to five people online multiplayer gameplay, and will have a price tag of just ten dollars. Can't be robbed... http://youtu.be/0hy_--RJFkw Voltron: Defender of the Universe will be released in North America and UK on October 25th on the PSN and the next day on Xbox Live.

I have been playing video games all my life but not only that I enjoy discussing them just as much as I love playing them. Therefore after going through college to get a criminal justice degree I became a freelance video game writer.