Warcraft 3 Reforged: Has Blizzard Finally Gone Too Far?

Is This The Point Of No Return?

Warcraft Reforged

With all this in mind, it's quite easy to form a likely explanation for the state of Reforged. The idea was pitched, it gained traction, a plan was formed, Activision demanded it be done on the cheap, this severely impacted what could be made and forced them to massively scale back promised features, which critically wounded the project so much that the devs were unable to even release the game in a functional state.

It is a sad pattern repeated across the industry by large scale companies, and one that will only stop when gamers learn to never give companies their money until quality can be confirmed.

We are left, then, with a game that is not what was advertised, is not of acceptable quality, and that retroactively ruins the original. In short, they really couldn't have done it worse if they had tried. Blizzard has shown they are so out of touch with their fans they might as well be making convertible safari cars. Having been pushed so far, the fans feel no recourse but to turn on their once beloved creators.

Among all of their controversies, bad decisions, greed and carelessness, this is where Blizzard has finally crossed the point of no return, sailing so far past the boundary of acceptable behaviour, they can no longer see it even with 20/20 hindsight binoculars.

If they do not correct their course they will alienate their entire audience, and ten years from now Blizzard may exist as a shadow of its former self, after years of bleeding money and lawsuits. The Blizzard of 2030 will beg its former fans for forgiveness, but they must refuse, if they are to force gaming corporations to take consumers seriously.

What do you think Blizzard need to do to win back the fans? Let us know down in the comments!


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Photographer, Writer, Traveller, Gamer and film nerd. They will all shout, grow up, and I'll whisper, no....