Watch 8 Minute SAINTS ROW: THE THIRD Gameplay Trailer
Hot on the trails of the official trailer, a great new 8 minute gameplay trailer for Saints Row: The Third lands...

One of my big concerns with Saints Row: The Third was how well it would sell, considering that it was coming out four days after Elder Scrolls Skyrim, a week after Modern Warfare 3, and on the same day as Assassins Creed Revelations. I was afraid the game was going to be passed over for bigger video games series.
But the trailer shows a lot of promise:, according to THQ the game may end up being one of their best selling games ever. We already have very strong indicators that Saints Row: The Third will be our best pre-order title ever... Homefront was our last best one, and we are now well ahead of the curve with this title." This is one of the best years for games I can remember, and I am glad to see Saints Row: The Third doing so well sales wise. How about the rest of you, are you going to be able to buy all the games you want to this year?
Saints Row: The Third will be released on November 15th in the U.S. and November 18th in the UK.