Watch Dogs: 16 Easter Eggs, References & In Jokes You Must See

1. Mocking Assassin's Creed

It was inevitable that Ubisoft would pay the Assassin's Creed development crew back for the Easter Eggs pointing towards Watch Dog when the later game was released, and those references are not only limited to the box art nods and veiled Abstergo moments. The best Easter Egg found in the game so far is actually fairly self-aware, as Ubisoft poke fun at themselves - or more specifically, at Assassin's Creed - when Aiden accesses a video showing a father and son playing a video game with familiar sounding features:
Father: "Why is he doing that?" Son: "He's an assassin, Dad." Father: "Well, I mean...why is he talking to that guy he just killed?" Son: "It's a confession." Father: "Well that, that's just dumb." Son: "Dad, please. you're ruining it."
You can definitely chalk this up to healthy sibling rivalry, and there is certainly some truth in the oddness of talking to a newly dead victim, rather than simply running away as quickly as possible and hiding in the nearest haystack. Can we expect this to kick off a chain of blows in future Assassin's Creed and Watch Dog games? Probably. Have you found any Easter Eggs in Watch Dogs? Share your finds below in the comments.

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