Watch Dogs 2: 10 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do

7. Have Custom Music At All Times

Watch Dogs 2

On newer consoles you're always free to pipe in whatever custom soundtrack you'd like over the top of your gameplay, but if you want it mixed intelligently into the experience, in Watch Dogs 2 at least, you'll need to do a couple of things first.

First, hop into your phone's menu, then into the storefront and download the Media Player app. From here you'll be able to access all the music your SongSneak app has compiled so far - which you can add to by hopping into a variety of vehicles. You'll always get a new song every time it comes on the radio, meaning it can be selected for a custom playlist inside your phone from thereon in.

Once you've acquired a good chunk of tracks, dive into your newly-downloaded app and pick a genre (or play them altogether). The songs will continue to play during missions and general gameplay until you either fast-travel or enter another vehicle.

Megadeth backing a police chase? Yes.please.

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