Watch Dogs 2: 10 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do

2. Scale The Golden Gate Bridge

Here's one that hopefully, Ubisoft don't remove - as it's quite a fun bug in practice.

Naturally, it's only taken about a week for gamers to break Watch Dogs 2's invisible walls that are supposed to prevent something like scaling the Golden Gate Bridge - but that's where the 'selfie glitch' comes from.

See, for some reason, entering into your phone's camera mode allows Marcus to continue moving, as Ubi must've only coded the game's geographical restrictions to respond to standard movement.

Use a truck to get up onto the side of the bridge, enter the selfie mode and carefully walk all the way up, then eventually at the top, hold R2/RT and Marcus' automatic scaling animations will kick in and see him leap to the connecting struts.

Thing is, Ubisoft modelled and rendered the top of this bridge, so they definitely expected someone to get up here eventually...

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Watch Dogs 2
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