Watch Dogs 2: 15 Easter Eggs, Secrets & References You Must Find
12. The Fake 'New Game'
Okay, if this turns out to be real, this is hands-down the best way to promote your new game I've seen in quite some time.
So you've located the Ubisoft offices and you've hacked your way in (a mission involving another Ubisoft property will take you here eventually anyway, but I'll get to that), you'll be amongst all the files and personnel within Ubi HQ, and you can gain access to what looks like some sort of No Man's Sky-style space exploration game.
If this is real, there is some plausibility in the fact that pre-release, developers and consumers alike thought Hello Games' little underrated gem was going to be the 'future of games'. Naturally, we now know that wasn't the case, but you need only look to the likes of Star Citizen, Empyrion - Galactic Survival and whatever this is, to see what games that were inspired by what No Man's Sky was going to be, now look like.