What Splinter Cell MUST Learn From Metal Gear Solid 5

Teaching Old Dogs

Splinter Cell

Again, this is all a hypothetical wishlist from someone who wants to see two of his favourite franchises come together. Whilst I can see the faults that both series' have, I would still love to see the return of Fisher and Snake in equal measure.

Yet you only have to look at the other examples mentioned in this piece that have done it better since Sam quietly snuck onto the scene in 2002. Imitators have been and gone, whilst other franchises have had to adapt to modern times and breathed new life into them. To compare, look at Hitman: it's almost gone full circle yet it infinitely better for its new implementations.

It's what Splinter Cell needs: not a complete reinvention that strips it of its identity, but some changes that remind us of the good ol' days as well as being fresh enough to revive it.

In a way, this piece is also a love letter to one of the franchises that got me into stealth games. The big three for me is this, Metal Gear Solid and Hitman. It spawned a love that carried on to the likes of Dishonoured, Deus Ex, all the way up to the best bits of The Last of Us 2's sneaky sections and the Arkham series' predator missions.

Splinter Cell

Whilst Ubisoft only serves to remind us of what we're missing, the desire for a new game is out there. As I mentioned at the start, fans will never agree on exactly what they want. But I hope this piece serves to remind you of what we once had, and if we were to get anything new, what it could learn from its contemporaries.

C'mon Ubisoft, do the right thing.

Stop pimping Fisher out and give him the spotlight... to hide in the darkness from.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.