Although we've already done an exhaustive list of which titles we think are worth your time in 2014, it's time to turn things over to you. 2014 has been a strange year for games, especially coming off the back of a year that advanced the medium so much, giving us emotional heavyweights like The Last of Us and Gone Home whilst also showing indie games had definitely arrived - being Sony and Microsoft started devoting entire chunks of their press conferences to showing them off. It was almost enough to completely forget there were even new consoles coming out, and in a way it's a mentality we've stuck with, as now we're seven months into the new year and there's barely one great title only available on next gen consoles that you can point to as a system seller. Sure, Watch Dogs is a whole heap of fun while it lasts and Mario Kart 8 is more of the same perfected cutesy-racing gameplay, but what about gems like Transistor or an unrelenting behemoth of a game that is Dark Souls 2? The latter two at least give you original gameplay and in for the likes of Transistor a genuinely innovate combat mechanic, but is it enough to make it the one game you recommend for the year? Whether you've been whiling away the hours on some hidden gem that deserves wider recognition, or you're happy flying around in Infamous: Second Son collecting shards, there's still a huge amount of variety in the games of 2014. Let us know what your favourites are in the comments below!