Why Animal Crossing Is The Loneliest Game I've Ever Played

The Nook Destinations Are SEVERELY Lacking

Animal Crossing New Horizons

What the hell is up with the Nook Miles destinations?

Aiming to be this "delightful getaway" from your island where you can see and experience who knows what, besides the tarantula and scorpion islands, they all feel identical.

Maybe there's a different shaped river or lake in the centre, but you can very much tell we're playing something generated from the same tileset and world biome.

If you're extra lucky there'll be another villager, but they're always located at the top-right of the map, wandering about like they were waiting for just you.

Oh, and how to get there in the first place? More of the same rock tapping, flower planting, balloon-popping tedium that you've been doing since moment one. If you convinced yourself that saving up for a plane ticket would be a way to experience something more than the same ol' same old, that goes out the window when the island you're given is the same as yours, without anything to take away other than more tulips, ore and pieces of fruit.

Back to your island, and back to the grind.

The grind you're experiencing by yourself.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.