Why Elder Scrolls Will Always Be Better Than Fallout
Dragons over deathclaws, son.

It might be a way away yet, but The Elder Scrolls 6 is coming. In the distant future, guarded by dragons and oblivion gates, covered in mudcrabs and nirnroot ripe for the harvesting, it’s there - just waiting for a bold adventurer who's knees have evaded arrows long enough to save the land.
But that’s not before we get more Wolfenstein, the mouth-frothingly exciting Starfield, and of course, a game that’s actually ready for release in the near future: Fallout 76.
Set your wait bars for a good three years at the very, very least.
It’s intensely exciting to think about the next game to enter the Elder Scrolls franchise and what it can offer, with the never-ending potential of Tamriel serving up countless avenues for the game to follow.
With Bethesda’s flagship games now evenly split between Elder Scrolls and Fallout however, one has to wonder what deserves the most motherly love. The company will certainly nurture both in the coming years, but which deserves the hype... and which is starting to show its age?
10. Hear Me Out

Now, I hear you. Between a post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland and sprawling high fantasy, you’d think it wasn't worth tying the two games together based on their production company alone: but there’s a surprisingly similar amount of gameplay and technical blood pumping through the pair’s veins.
Fallout and Elder Scrolls have long since been two sides of the same RPG coin, even utilising the same Creation engine in their latest releases (Fallout 4 and Skyrim respectively) to bring their gameplay even closer than ever.
Gamers that have enjoyed being S.P.E.C.I.A.L. little guys as well as shouting down the skies as the Dragonborn will be rolling their eyes at this point, but it’s enough to rehash the age old questions - just exactly which is worth your time and money? What really wins out between fantasy or science fiction? What prospect should really get you hot under the collar:
Fallout 5, or TES 6?