Why Saints Row Is Better Than GTA

Saints Row 4

Saints Row, on the other hand, throws away any sense of realism and sensibility out the door from the offset. It’s a series where you can play as a green-skinned monstrosity in a tutu and whack pedestrians to death with a comically large sex toy.

You climb a nuclear warhead to Aerosmith’s “I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing”. And you don’t buy car insurance, you commit insurance fraud by throwing yourself in front of traffic to cause as much harm to your character as physically possible. Without a devout dedication to realism weighing Saints Row down, players are free to cause as much mayhem as they desire without any of the tedium found in GTA destroying their experience.

More importantly, though, Saints Row’s dedication to its style doesn’t get in the way of it telling a great, character-driven story either. Arguably, Saints Row’s narrative – especially in Saints Row 2 – is much more heartfelt than GTA V’s parody of modern society.

Gta V Trevor
Rockstar Games

For one thing, the colourful characters you’ll be spending time with during Saints Row 2’s story are more than bland, mission-giving NPCs, they’re your friends. Carlos, Shaundi, Pierce, and returning fan favourite Johnny Gat are all part of the Saints family.

As they help you reclaim Stillwater from the gangs who’ve taken over in the Saints’ absence, you’ll watch these plucky underdogs form meaningful and lasting friendships with each other. Unlike the “friendships” between GTA V’s roster or characters, there’s nothing mean-spirited or satirical about the Saints’ bond. It’s all in the name of fun, and you’ll have more fun with them because of it.

Who wouldn’t want to hang out with Gat and Pierce over Trevor and Michael?



Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.