Why There Aren't More Truly Great Superhero Games

1. Marvel's Spider-Man And Beyond

Spider-Man PS4 Comic
Marvel Comics

While both Marvel and DC characters have been plagued by decades of mismanagement and tied up in licensing deals that held them hostage, the future is bright. After parting ways with Activision, Marvel are now following WB and entering partnerships with developers and publishers who can do their properties justice. We’ve already seen the fruits of their renewed interest with this year’s Spider-Man, a PS4 exclusive that’s done for the Web Head what Arkham did for The Dark Knight.

They’ve also enlisted Square Enix to produce AAA games based on the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy. How this new ethos pans out in full is yet to be seen, but based on their enthusiasm and the one title we do have, it looks promising. Rocksteady are also back hiring for their upcoming next-gen project, which is rumoured to expand the DC gaming universe beyond Batman.

The way the parent companies of these characters view the gaming world has radically changed since the start of the decade, and if these upcoming blockbusters can exist alongside the already-great Lego and TellTale experiences, then we might just be entering a golden age for superhero games.


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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3