Why You Should Buy A Nintendo Wii In 2019

3. Motion Controls Are A Unique Variety From Normal Gaming

super mario galaxy wii

Back when it came out, I wasn't a fan of motion controls. I still am not -rot in hell you plastic demonspawn Kinect-. Now even my cold and stony heart has warmed a bit for the quirkiness that is the Wii's motion controls.

While I wouldn't want to live in a world full of motion controls, and am indeed glad that fad died out, it regains a lot of it's fun when it's not your sole gaming console. When you alternate playing the Wii with a more regular gaming experience like an Xbox or Playstation, the motion controls are a lot easier to deal with.

I got used to them pretty quickly and in some games they add a really unique experience. You just have that escape available for when you just don't want to wiggle you wrists around every minute.

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Nintendo Wii
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