Will-U Sales TRIPLE After Disappointing Xbox One Reveal

Wii U Gamers are so disheartened by Microsoft's recent Xbox One announcement that they€™ve actually abandoned hope for the console and bought Nintendo€™s Wii-U instead. Purchases of the Wii-U from Amazon.com have increased by 386% since Microsoft€™s conference a few days ago, almost quadrupling its sales, and while correlation does not always show causation one would have to be more delusional than the child of Tom Cruise and Harley Quinn not to see it€™s certainly the case here. The astonishing figures suggest that many of the buyers previously anticipating the console€™s release have realised there€™s no point in waiting for it, so have decided on buying the only next gen-device currently available. The entire internet is now abuzz with brand-loyalists either deserting Microsoft altogether or vowing to just stick with their 360, though the reality of them sticking to that vow once games stop being made for it is pretty unlikely. Similarly, the value of Sony€™s shares have also gone up since the announcement, showing it€™s not only the public that find Microsoft€™s new box unappealing. This doesn€™t seem to have phased Microsoft though, who this week predicted the Xbox One will sell over a billion units, meaning they expect it to be bought by around one-seventh of the Earth€™s population! The industry is full of these ridiculous overestimations at the moment, with Square Enix€™s sales predictions for Tomb Raider jumping immediately to mind, yet the arrogance shown here by Microsoft is greater than anything we€™d expect even from the likes of EA. E3 might change things, but at the moment the Xbox One seems to have turned up to the next-gen console war with bullets made of jam and body-armour constructed from a budget Swiss cheese. Any opinions on the Xbox One? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Oldfield is a journalist, reviewer, and amateur comic-book writer (meaning he's yet to be published). He's a man who'll criticise anything, even this biog, which he thinks is a bit crap. For notifications on when new articles are up and game related news, follow him on his Twitter account @DunDunDUH