The Wolf Among Us Episode 2: 5 Questions We Want Answered

2. Who€™s That Creepy Looking Ginger Guy

Shortly after the murder of Faith you encounter this freak in a hallway, but what€™s truly perplexing is how the camera actually zooms in and focuses on him. It doesn€™t help that he wears a face that essentially says €œI€™m stalking you€ either. Furthermore, that€™s exactly what this guy does; stalks Bigby. He can be spotted during your chase with one of the Dum brothers and eerily resembles the cab driver that takes Snow home; a cab drive home that leads to her murdering. We don€™t even know who this guy is or what Fable he comes from. He is intentionally everywhere though and seemingly spying on Bigby. Personally, I don€™t think he€™s necessarily the killer but someone obsessed with possibly framing Bigby for these murders. Something to chew on though is that the main villain in Season 1 of The Walking Dead was a creepy ginger man too, so for all we know Telltale hates gingers and enjoys vilifying them.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.