World Of Warcraft Classic: 10 Reasons Why J. Allen Brack Was Right
5. LFG

In Brack's aforementioned response, he reminded the WoW community about the time when they had to spam 'LF tank' in cities for hours on end just to form a group. This was easily brushed aside as a minor inconvenience and not a valid reason not to bring back Classic WoW. Come 2019, however, the reality of it was not so easy to digest.
It must be said that Blizzard's own solution to the problem, namely the cross-realm Dungeon Finder that was implemented in patch 3.3.0, posed problems of its own; it made the world a lot smaller by eliminating the need to travel to instances and took away the social aspect of dungeoneering since you would never see the players that you grouped with ever again.
But forming groups the old-fashioned way was no less painful than the now president of Blizzard took great pleasure in reminding us. During my time in Classic WoW, tanks were always in high demand, so much so that on several occasions each one of our group members would have to offer them a share of gold just so that they would come on the run with us.
Finding a tank for dungeons like Scholomance, which boasted few item drops for them, could even take longer than completing the instance itself.