A World of Warcraft edition of the immortal board game Monopoly
is now available! The game board was designed exclusively by Blizzard themselves and
features faction capitals and various other regions from the World of Warcraft canon. Player tokens are:
Corehound Pup, Murky, Doomhammer, Hearthstone, Mechagnome and
Flight Path Boot.

WoW Monopoly also features a fully customised monetary system with
$1 Chen (from the new Pandaren race),
$5 Magni (Dwarven),
$10 VolJin (Troll)
20$ Varian (Human) and
$500 Thrall (Orcish). As if that werent enough, Blizzard have also included fully
customised houses and hotels.

For those of you who manage to bravely pry yourselves away from the worlds most Heroin-like MMO; theres a new Methadone in town and its name is World of Warcraft Monopoly. WoW Monopoly is out now and you can pick yourself up a set from your local AH, otherwise known as the
Blizzard Store. Itll set you back $39.95 (or your nations equivalent).