WWE 13: 10 Special Guest Referees Who Should Be Included

3. Nick Patrick

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FR5YZlznLQ More specifically, the Nick Patrick that was bought by the nWo. He was the official referee for the nWO, so was therefore in a surprising position of power in the company at the time. For the Souled Out PPV in 1997, Patrick officiated every single match and was a fully fledged heel for the duration. Often refusing to count pinfalls, conveniently not seeing members interfering and ignoring cheating, he was the ire of many fans during the n.W.o days. This version of Patrick would be best for the game, and linked with his involvement with being an active competitor during the Invasion angle of 2001, would be a great addition.
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WWE 13
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My name is Jay. You may have guessed. I am a writer, a blogger, a visionary, a lover. On occasion. Music, Technology and Sport are areas I would love to progress rapidly, as they are a core part of my life outside of writing. A myriad of interests take up the rest of my time, and when I’m not doing anything in particular, I’m doing very fascinating and significant stuff.